
About the course

clay modelling



Within the artistic-plastic activities, modelling is presented as an activity through which the participant perceives and transforms reality in a three-dimensional way (sensing volume, proportions, etc.), making different creations through his/her own effort.



Children have a natural inclination towards sand and water as the most natural play materials available. Water and earth, as fundamental elements of our existence, provide us with food, energy, strength, but also relaxation and joy. Easy to handle, simple and with sensory benefits, these two materials fascinate both children and adults. From water and earth it is only a step to clay, modelling clay and other materials.

Cornelia Kirali

Cornelia Kirali



Session duration

1 hour and 30 minutes per week


Course duration

The exact period will be announced soon.

Group 1 (10 - 14 years old) : every monday, from 15:00

Group 2 (15 - 19 years old) : every Wednesday, from 14:30


Available spots

Group 1
10 - 14 years old: 10 spots

Group 2
15 - 18 years old: 10 spots


For the smooth running of the courses we ask you to treat the attendance to the classes with responsibility. If participants accumulate two consecutive non-attendances or their overall attendance is not constant we reserve the right to suspend their entry in the course.

Weekly classes

  1. Introduction
  2. Knowledge of the main techniques and specific tools; 
  3. Shapes and texturing methods; 
  4. Bas-relief on clay plate; 
  5. Three-dimensional representation of objects; 
  6. The add-drop technique; 
  7. Modelling a clay pot using the techniques learnt; 
  8. Decorating the pot using texturing techniques and methods; 
  9. Composition: modelling applications; 
  10. Practical exercise 1: Making an animal; 
  11. Practical exercise 2: Zoomorphic object (inspired by the animal created in the previous course); 
  12. From sketch to real object.